Random Monday "Momblings"
- While in New York City last week, I went to the world's largest, loudest and most obnoxious Toys R Us in Times Square. Thinking I had nothing to buy, I was content to just wander around while my friends shopped. Suddenly I saw a display featuring a "Personalized Elmo." "Great," I thought! Now I have something to get my niece. So I headed over there and talked to the woman that would program Elmo. She asked my niece's name. "McKayla," I said and then spelled it for her. She typed it in and said: "I'm sorry, but we don't have that name." She then proceeded to play Elmo's voice joyfully reciting the names that were closest: "Mahay" and "Mickey." She then looked at me in hopes that I'd purchase Elmo saying "Elmo loves Mahay" and my niece wouldn't notice that that's not her name. I was somewhat amazed that in one of the largest and most diverse cities in the world, I couldn't buy an Elmo that could say McKayla's name. Karen thinks Elmo needs to get out more.
- Tom Cruise bought an ultrasound machine. Yes, you heard me right...he and Katie have their own personal sonogram. Something about this is oh so wrong. I don't think we can act soon enough to save this child from his freak show father.
- If you are a mother with a 13-year old daughter, chances are good that much of your hair care and beauty products will eventually find their way into your child's possession. My life has come full circle. I used to hide my makeup from her because when she was two years old, she would get into it and destroy it. Now, I hide it....so that she won't get into it and....well, steal it!
- This probably isn't news for anyone else, but when kids come home from college on break, it is NOT to see their parents. Yeah, I know, duh. Maybe I'll get a brief conversation in on our way to the train station.
- If I see Britney and Kevin Slackerline on the cover of People one more time, I'm going to cancel my subscription! Are there actually people that care about these two?!
- I know I've said this before, but strollers have gotten out of hand. When will parents realize that something the size of an aircraft carrier does not belong in a crowded store or busy city sidewalk?!